April 1, 2011

Morro Bay Charity Bridge Club

Morro Bay, California 93442

Standard Operating Procedure

  1. Forward

This instrument establishes general policy and delineates standard operating procedures in effect for this club. It is instituted by the Board of Directors as is required by the By-Laws, and remains subject to alteration by the Board or by the membership. Matters or situations not covered herein, or by the By-Laws, will be referred to the Board for consideration. Such matters, or similar items, may be appropriately covered by temporary additions to this instrument by the Board, but such action is subject to later decision by the membership.

  1. Instructions for Key Employees

All employees of the Club shall serve at a rate of pay to be established by the Board of Directors.

  1. Club Manager

Club management is delegated by the Board to a Club Manager who is appointed to serve at their pleasure. The Club Manager may not be a member of the Board of Directors. The Club Manager is responsible for routine club affairs to include, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Arrange for facilities for all regular and special events.

  2. Arrange a club schedule of events that provides for participation in ACBL activities in accordance with the desires of club members.

  3. Prepare a schedule of the year’s events to be submitted to the Board at the January meeting.

  4. Brief all directors previous to their conducting a club event on items that the Club views with special concern and on specific supplementary regulations adopted by this club.

  5. Discharge the responsibilities outlined in Chapter 4, Section I, paragraph E-4 of the ACBL Handbook of Rules and Regulations, when operating the Club under ACBL authority.

  6. Arrange for a substitute to perform the manager’s normal duties in his/her absence.

  7. Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors to insure communication with the Board and to improve club management.

  1. Chief Director

The Board will appoint a Chief Director who will be responsible to the Club Manager. The Chief Director will be primarily concerned with overseeing the staff of available directors and will perform at least the following:

  1. Schedule directors for club events. Directors so assigned will be ACBL certified.

  2. In emergencies, should a regular club director not be available, hire a substitute director at a reasonable fee. Cancellation of an event can only be accomplished by action of the Board or, in unusual cases, by the Manager.

  3. When requested by the Board, attend meeting to insure communication and to improve club management.

  4. Arrange for a substitute to perform the Chief Director’s normal duties in his/her absence.

  5. The Board may establish prerequisites for winning during trophy events.

  1. Directors

Directors as assigned by the Chief Director will comply with the following normal procedures:

  1. Adhere to all applicable ACBL directives for ACBL controlled events.

  2. Follow the instructions of the Board, the Club Manager, and the Chief Director.

  3. The Director shall not make advance arrangements for a partner but may play under the following circumstances:

  1. At any time when a member is left without a partner because of someone making two dates or failing to show.

  2. At any time when it will fill in the movement, thus avoiding a sit-out.

  1. The Director shall not play in any game of two sections, or when there are more than ten tables and electronic scoring devices are not in use. An exception may be made under special circumstances if it is determined that to do so would be in the best interest of the club.

  2. Although the Club Manager is authorized to direct matters regarding administration, club operation, facilities, etc., games are under the direct control of the Director assigned once they begin. Directors will adhere to all regulations and conform to the Club Standard Operating Procedure, Club Supplementary Regulations, etc. In emergencies or doubtful cases they will utilize the advice of the Club Manager, Chief Director, and/or members of the Board.

  3. Directors will convene an appeals committee, as specified in this document, upon the request of any player. Such appeals may be heard by the Director or by committee if the Director prefers. When the Director hears such an appeal his/her ruling may be further appealed to a committee.

  4. The Director shall strive to seed, stratify, or flight the field for special events prior to the event for maximum possible balance.

  1. Cancellation Policy

When emergency conditions exist, e.g. extreme weather conditions, temporary loss of electric power of unknown duration, etc., games may be cancelled by the Board or by the Club Manager. However, cancellation on the scheduled date of an event will not occur until one hour after starting time if any possibility of holding the event exists. Concerted efforts will always be made to notify members and anticipated attendants in case of unavoidable cancellations.

  1. Selection of Charities

  1. Funds will not be accumulated in an amount that will negatively affect the clubs tax exempt status.

  2. Priority will be given to charities meeting local needs.

  3. The board will select the charities with input from membership.

  4. The membership will be informed when distributions are made.

  1. Established Card Fees

  1. Card fees will be set by the Board of Directors.

  2. All players will pay the established fees. Exceptions will be approved by the Manager or Director.

V1. Appeals Committees

  1. When a proper request for an appeal is made, or when the Director selects this method, an appeals committee will be selected by the Director. Players may reject committee members and the Director will make every effort to select alternate members.

  2. Appeals committees will strive to reach a fair and equitable settlement of all items brought before them.

  3. Appeals committees will utilize all available data to assist them in reaching their decisions. This must include, but is not limited to:

  1. Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge

  2. Appeals Committee Vols. I & II by Edgar Kaplan and Jeff Rubens